Online Banking - Getting Started


their internet banking services and the fees and limitations. It will take some time to comparison shop and then to open an account at a new bank, but if you are going to add convenience or save money, the time spent can be worthwhile.

3. Learn as much as you can upfront about how to bank safely online. All banks are expected to have internet banking security measures

You should secure your own computer by installing and automatically updating antivirus software and firewall protection. And while most banks prevent unauthorized access by using 'encryption' to scramble account numbers and other private information, you need to take your own precautions.
Protect your passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) by not using birthdays or other numbers or words that may be easy for other people to guess. Also, never sendan e-mail with personal information such as your bank account, credit card or Social Security number, unless the e-mail is encrypted.

As with any banking service, be prepared to keep good records, so you can help spot and reconcile an error. Another good thing about internet banking is that it allows you to easily monitor transactions and account balances regularly.

4. Consider using mobile banking. That refers to the ability to do your banking not just from your home computer but also from a cellphone or a tablet computer.

Be sure you understand all the terms and conditions and feees that will apply. If mobile banking is a service you are interested in, check the bank's web site to confirm that your mobile device can be used and that you understand which services are available.

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